Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Armenian propaganda presents the photo of Azerbaijani child killed by Armenian terrorists as a photo of “wounded Armenian child”.

The conflict between the two South Caucasus countries began 1987, when Armenia started ethnic cleansing of Azeri and Kurds-Muslims to make later in 1988 illegal territorial claims against Azerbaijan.

Since 1987 some 11,000 ethnic Azerbaijanis have been ethnically cleansed from their homes in Armenia. They became the very first refugees of the NK conflict. In 1988-1989 more than 200,000 Azerbaijanis were forced to leave Armenia. During the ethnic cleansing at least 216 Azerbaijanis were killed. On December 1989 ethnical cleansing was accomplished and Armenia celebrated festival “Armenia without Turks”

There are lots of staggering facts about the bloody disasters that Azeris and Kurds had to face. One of them has taken place on September 16, 1989. Armenian gangs made a terror attack in the Yevlakh district of the Azerbaijan SSR : their target was a passenger bus "Tbilisi-Baku". As a result of this terror act 5 people were killed, and 25 were injured.

Oleg Litvin, the journalists from news agency AzerTag, who shot the terrible consequences of terrorist attack. One of his photographs shows a burnt face of Azerbaijani baby (see photo 1).

Photo1: The original photo made by Oleg Litvin, the journalists from news agency AzerTag, 1989

Monday, January 23, 2012

Очередной армянский ресурс выдает фото Стамбульских событий 1955 года за "армянских жертв" Баку 1990 года

На этот раз настала очередь пропагандисткой помойки по имени

В англоязычной версии сайта помимо грамматических и лексических ошибок, в статье о январских событиях 1990 года в Баку, в качестве иллюстрации красуется фотография, сделанная в 1955 году в Стамбуле.

Вот так повествуют "правду" армянские пропагандисты низшего звена.

Напомним что эту фотографию использовали ранее такие армянские пропагандистские сайты как и но они после того как мы обнаружили это безобразие, спешно убрали фотографии.  

Об этом подробнее можно узнать в материале: 

А также о фальсификациях другой фотографии Стамбульских событий 1955 года, выдаваемой за "армянских жертв" Баку 1990 года в материале:

А на английском (In Ehglish) в материале:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ложь армянских СМИ о том, что «У Наполеона Бонапарта армянские корни» - ФОТО
Французские СМИ сообщили об ошеломляющих результатах анализа ДНК пряди волос императора Наполеона I, согласно которым предки императора были родом с Кавказа и принадлежали к кавказской, или европеоидной расе. К такому сенсационному заключению после трех лет работы над ДНК французского императора пришел профессор  Жерар Люкотт (Gerard Lucotte),   называющийся создателем молекулярной антропологии.  Ученый опубликовал  результаты своих работ в канадском «Журнале молекулярной биологии» и в известной газете «Фигаро».Обратите внимание: в первоисточниках  данной информации говорится о КАВКАЗСКИХ корнях Наполеона. То же самое, ссылаясь на первоисточники, сообщили российские и иные зарубежные СМИ.

Между тем, игнорируя все это, некоторые армянские СМИ незамедлительно   сфальсифицировали открытие французского генетика и запестрили заголовками «У Наполеона Бонапарта армянские корни». Факт налицо: армянские СМИ совершили элементарный подлог, придумав нужное название с расчетом на  то, что большинство читателей пробегают  глазами только заголовки статей. Так что, по логике армянских кривдописцев, достаточно одного лишь  названия об армянских корнях Наполеона, чтобы запустить в подсознание многочисленной аудитории ядовитые  щупальца монстра лжи.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Armenian media misused the photographic images of the Azerbaijani victims of the Karabakh war and 20 January and presented them to be the “Armenian victims”

Armenian site published article about  “Armenian victims  of Baku riots 1990” and presented as factual evidences photos of Azerbaijani victims murdered by Armenian    military men and gangs, as well as photos of  victims of Balcan war and victims of ethnic clashes between Greek and Turkish population (1955).

As part of their effort to represent 
Armenian nation as victims in the eyes of the international community, Armenian propaganda have always distorted history by stealing others’ tragedy.  This has become very frequent especially beginning after 1990s thanks to the free file-sharing created by Internet and modern information technology, which allowed to easily access others’ non-copyright video and photo files.One clear example of this falsification is an article of  Armenian site, which was published under the title "Today, 21st anniversary of the Genocide of Armenians in Baku" (Please see photos below)

Armenian lobby in USA presents photographs of the victims of Khojaly tragedy as "factual evidence" of the 1915 events

На русском:

Армяне в США представляют фотоснимки жертв ходжалинской трагедии в виде «фактов» событий 1915 года /ФОТО/

Armenian Propaganda aims to create an image of Armenians as “victims of “genocide” 1915 in Ottoman empire”. As opposed to impartially providing information Armenian propaganda is biased, with facts selectively presented, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional response. False information and forgery are common tools used by Armenian propaganda. .

Here is an example of an article published by Armenian media, where the Azerbaijani victims of the Khojaly genocide were presented as Armenian “victims of genocide 1915 in Ottoman empire”. Khojaly genocide(1992) was perpetrated by Armenian military and gangs against unarmed civilians in the Azerbaijani town Khojaly (

Azerbaijani community became aware of this forgery when Felix Tsertsvadze, writer and publicist, author of the book about Khojaly tragedy "Forgotten Genocide", wrote an appeal to Azerbaijani community and media and urged them to take action against falsifications which were spread by Armenians living in the State of Florida (USA).

In a letter sent to Azerbaijani mass media, the writer says that Armenian community of the state Florida published in New York in Russian newspaper "V novom svete" October 19-25, 2007, an article entitled "The Armenian Genocide - a fact", dedicated to the resolution recently adopted in committee of the House of Representatives.

Armenian lobby has presented as factual evidence the photo of “Armenian victims”. It turned out that very same photographs is a factual evidence of the Khojaly genocide – genocide, perpetrated 1992 by Armenian military and gangs against unarmed civilians in the Azerbaijani town Khojaly which claimed life of 600-1000 people (Human Rights Watch / Helsinki. Azerbaijan: Seven Years of Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh. New York. 1994)

Well known in USA Armenian web site once again was caught in the falsification

Photo Azbarez
На русском: 

Армянские СМИ в США фальсифицируют фото тел Ходжалинских детей

Marina Grigoryan published an article «Sumgait, February 1988: A Crime With No Limitation», in which Azerbaijani children killed in Khojaly were presented as Armenian "victims of the Sumgait massacre 1988". Khojaly genocide (1992) was perpetrated by Armenian military and gangs against unarmed civilians in the Azerbaijani town     Khojaly (

Below is the list of falsifications, misinforming and forgeries in Marina Grygoryan's article «Sumgait, February 1988: A Crime With No Limitation”:

1.M. Grigoryan asserts that more than 100 Armenians were killed during one night in Sumgait riots. M. Grigoryan is distorting the truth: according to USSR Prosecutor-General's Office Criminal Case No 18/55461-88 during Sumgait riots 32 people were murdered: 6 Azeris and 26 Armenians. Yet, Sumgait pogroms were not only the result of spontaneous hooliganism of Azerbaijani refugees from Armenia. The USSR court investigation shows that Sumgait pogroms had been well planned by Armenian separatists.

It was established that in January-February 1988, i.e. before riots, many Armenians who lived in Karabakh  phoned to their relatives in Sumgait to warn them  about future unrest and convince them to leave the city. At the same time  Armenians  withdrew 143 064 roubles from 14 banks operating in the city.

Armenian media presents the photographs of Azerbaijani Khojaly victims (1992) as "victims of the Armenian massacre in Baku" (1990)

На русском:  

Ходжалинские жертвы выдаются за "армянские жертвы погромов в Баку"

Pursuing propagandistic aims to reveal to the world the story about “massacre of the Armenian population” Armenian media published the article where the photographs of the Azerbaijani victims of the Khojaly genocide were presented as Armenian “victims of the January riots in Baku 1990". Khojaly genocide (1992) was perpetrated by Armenian military and gangs against unarmed civilians in the Azerbaijani  town   Khojaly. 

The article of Armenian source entitled "The parliament of Nagorno-Karabakh appealed to the UN, EU and OSCE" reports that the Parliament of self-declared "Nagorno-Karabakh Republic" which is not recognized by any state in the world made a statement devoted to the January events in Baku.

The content of the appeal and the article is an example of false information and forgery spread by Armenian propaganda: